These circuits consist of two independent, high-gain, internally frequency-compensated op-amps, specifically designed to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages. The low-power supply drain is independent of the magnitude of the power supply voltage. These circuits can be directly supplied with the standard +5 V, which is used in logic systems and will easily provide the required interface electronics with no additional power supply.
- Case/Package: DIP
- Mount: Through Hole
- Number of Pins: 8
- Max Supply Voltage: 3 V - 30 V
- Bandwidth: 1.1 MHz
- Input Offset Voltage (Vos): 7 mV
- Number of Amplifiers: 2
- Number of Channels: 2
- Slew Rate: 0.6 V/µs
- Voltage Gain: 100 dB
- Output Current: 40 mA
- Output Current per Channel: 60 mA
- Operating Temperature: 0°C - 70 °C
- Sensing & Instrumentation
- Communications & Networking
- Audio
- Transducer Amplifiers
- DC Amplification Blocks
- Operational Amplifier
Package Include:
1pc LM358N Integrated Circuit